Thursday is blog day for my Advanced English students. If you look, and please do! keep in mind that we will edit what they wrote yesterday next week. So you might run into some funny spellings, as these kids are Mexican and writing in their second language.
Meantime, I´m getting together all kinds of stuff to get my book out. A head shot for one. My fabulous and talented friend JJ Anderson took a bunch of photos of me last week, and just sent them. When JJ said, "Smile," I said, "I want botox." Wrinkles and all (Hey, I live in a high altitude and don´t drink enough water!) JJ made me look pretty good.
Next...a subtitle to Flirting in Spanish! I´ll be thinking, thinking this weekend.
What fun! The House on Mango Street is used here in many of the schools and it was my inspiration for To Come and Go Like Magic. I read it and thought I'd love to do a book told in vignettes about growing up in Appalachia with a yearning to see the world. It's fun to see how the kids relate the book to their own lives in little snippets without even realizing it. :)